Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Pick'um up while they're small and run!!

My daughter, Bre, is twenty years old. Raising her has been a breeze. She has always been a pleasant, quiet child who is rather shy. She has dark brown hair, fair skin and dazzling blue eyes. I can claim only the fair skin and dark hair, I got stuck with brown eyes. My husband and my dad both have beautiful blue eyes.

Bre, also like me is very tall, almost 6'. Being this tall came in handy while during the sports seasons but otherwise it was usually a problem because she was taller than everyone else. You tall ladies out there know what I'm talking about, boys don't get their height until they get in middle or high school. So the short little snots made life unbearable for us tall chics. But anyway, despite the rough patches, she survived because she was a top notch, well rounded kid.

She made it through elementary and high school on the honor roll and as a county and state art award winner. I have to tell you that as a teacher I have gone through most of her upbringing since about the age of 12 with one eye shut because I kept waiting for her hormones to kick in. Every kid's hormones kick in at around that age, they go buck wild. They know everything, they don't want anything to do with their parents, anyone over the age of 18 is over the hill and senile. If you are a teacher you pray that students hit this milestone during the summer or at best no sooner than the last two weeks of school so you don't have to put up with them.

Amazingly, Bre held hands with the hormone demon but never actually danced with him. She was briefly unpleasant during the 9th grade. WOW, that's an entire year later than expected! We never knew what happened, we were just happy that IT never did happen. So, we went on with our lives, volleyball, softball, art, etc....

Bre graduated from high school and enrolled in college and decided to major in biology and minor in sociology. She wants to be a physician's assistant. She just finished her sophomore year with a great gpa. She got her first summer job and....WHAT WENT WRONG!!!!! She has gone from listening to country music to metal to this crazy stuff called TOOL. She loves manga, Dragon BallZ, and Deathknot. She wants to go above the ear lobe for piercings and last night she dyed her hair blue!! The hormone demons came to dance eight years late and there is nothing my husband and I can do about it!! I wish she liked purple rather than blue.